Studies show that employees who voice their ideas and feel heard are five times more likely to outperform their peers. Here are three ways to create a more inclusive team.

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Support honest dialogue

Encouraging different perspectives creates freedom of expression, validating each member regardless of their background or preferences means embracing an open-door policy and inspiring others to express their ideas and frustrations without fear of backlash. Here are 8 ways to start a transparent work community today.

Treat colleagues the way you wish to be treated

How we interpret and interact with others makes us who we are, a unique set of identities, cultures and experiences. This means each team member brings a different way of thinking to the organisation. As leaders, we are responsible for inviting diversity into every discussion and pushing for greater representation at the roundtable. As colleagues, we can act with full consideration, empathy and respect towards one another and challenge biases when we see them. Here are 3 practical tips to empower the people we work with.

Be culturally open-minded

Showing curiosity towards cultures, traditions and beliefs different from our own helps break down barriers and build bridges, teaching us how to appreciate others and grow our awareness. “Increasing cultural intelligence is a benefit to anyone,” encourages Janine Schindler, a leadership coach. “The more you understand the cultural differences, the more poised you are to become the go-to person for cross-functional and international assignments,” she explains. Discover the 3 key lessons to cultivating cultural competence amongst your colleagues.