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Environmental and social risk assessments are guided by our environmental, social, operational and reputational risk sector policies as well as by our human rights commitment. Moreover, we proactively and reactively interact with the ESG rating agencies with the aim of communicating and monitoring the Group sustainability strategy, and improving our positioning and disclosure. Our sustainability performance is reflected in the key external ratings.


In line with our Purpose of empowering communities to progress, and in the context of an evolving external environment, we aim at steering our behaviour by enhancing our sustainability policies framework.


Certain sectors and activities require a specialized approach to ensure that transactional and related risks are properly addressed. We have developed detailed policies for those sectors relevant to UniCredit that are liable to special environmental and social risks.

We also have specific policies in place which contribute to human rights topics such as our Human Rights Commitment, as well as other regulations such as the Code of Conduct, the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Global Policy, the Whistleblowing Policy and the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering of Terrorist Financing (CTF) Policy.


These policies are inspired by international agreements, guidelines, and standards (including the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards, the World Bank Group Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines and the principles of the UN Global Compact), as well as other practices widely employed by specific industries.

These policies are regularly reviewed in order to ensure their continued relevance.



Group Reputational Risk Management Global Policy


Title Objective Download 
Group Reputational Risk Management Global Policy Purpose of this Policy is to define principles and rules for managing and controlling Reputational Risk in UniCredit Group. PDF | Group Reputational Risk Management Global Policy (472.82kb)

Cross topics


Title Objective Download 
Statement of Natural Capital and Biodiversity The statement illustrates the UniCredit’s commitment towards Natural Capital and Biodiversity preservation PDF | Statement on Natural Capital and Biodiversity (286.83kb)
Human Rights The commitment summarises the Group’s approach to human rights, focusing on some stakeholder categories such as employees, customers, suppliers and communities. It is based on international declarations and conventions, standards, principles, guidelines and recommendations PDF | Human Rights (409.43kb)

Modern Slavery  
The statement describes the measures taken by UniCredit to mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking, within our businesses or our supply chain, in accordance with section 54 of the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act 2015 PDF | 2023 Statement on Modern Slavery Act (384.06kb)
PDF | 2022 Statement on Modern Slavery Act (263.11kb)
PDF | 2021 Statement on Modern Slavery Act (305.08kb)
PDF | 2020 Statement on Modern Slavery Act 
PDF | 2019 Statement on Modern Slavery Act 
PDF | 2018 Statement on Modern Slavery Act (337.85kb)
PDF | 2017 Statement on Modern Slavery Act (177.36kb)
PDF | 2016 Statement on Modern Slavery Act (167.67kb)

Sensitive sectors


Title Objective Download 
Civil Nuclear The policy regulates financial involvement with and address the challenges posed by the civil nuclear energy sector  PDF | Civil Nuclear (254.26kb)
Coal sector The policy establishes standards and guidelines that address the risks associated with financing the coal sector PDF | Coal (108.64kb)
PDF | Coal (95.40kb) (addendum)
Defence / Weapons The policy defines financial involvement with companies from the defence/armaments industry  PDF | Defence / Weapons  (274.06kb)
Mining The policy establishes standards and guidelines that address the risks associated with financing mining operations PDF | Mining (302.68kb)
Oil and Gas The policy establishes standards and guidelines that address the risks associated with financing the Oil & Gas Industry PDF | Oil and Gas (208.19kb)
Rainforests The commitment ensures that our activity does not aid deforestation or forest degradation, unless appropriately mitigated PDF | Rainforests (168.59kb)
Tobacco sector UniCredit has signed the Tobacco Free Finance Pledge with the aim to have an active role in addressing global environmental and social priorities  PDF | Tobacco sector (243.44kb)
Water infrastructure The policy establishes standards and guidelines that address the risks associated with financing large water infrastructure projects, such as dams PDF | Water Infrastructure (Large Dams) (227.45kb)


Product framework


Title Objective Download 
ESG Product Guidelines The document represents our methodology for the classification and reporting of UniCredit’s ESG offering and at preventing the related risks of greenwashing and social washing PDF | ESG - Product guidelines (1.17mb)

Engaging with stakeholders is essential to building trust.


We have an ongoing interaction with sustainability rating agencies, also supporting the increasing requests by investors for greater transparency, more stakeholder engagement and stronger sustainability management.