UniCredit received a score of 82/100 on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, well above the banking industry average of 58/100. This high score places UniCredit among the 34 banks listed on the DJSI worldwide, of which only 10 are a part of the DJSI Europe and only two are based in Italy.
"Where we excel and surpass other banks underscores our dedication to a strong culture of risk management, as well as the high level of attention that we give to our customers and colleagues daily," said Federico Ghizzoni, UniCredit CEO. "Our performance reflects our commitment to generating long-term economic return while creating value for our communities. Moreover, as investor interest in corporate governance and transparency and sustainability issues in general continues to grow, as they are more and more distinguishing elements for listed companies."
In the past few years, the number of investors who weigh economic, environmental and social criteria in their decisions-making processes has almost doubled. While from 2007 to 2010, their portfolios in sustainable companies has grown from €4.4 trillion to €8.8 trillion (from 12 to 21 percent of the market)*.
"Although we are satisfied, we will continue working to improve those areas highlighted by DJSI," added Ghizzoni. "These results are recognition of our Group's commitment to sustainability. And that commitment, over time, will result in the integration of financial and non-financial reporting while further strengthening both our transparency and the perceptions held by our stakeholders."
*Source: EFAMA; Eurosif; Social Investment Forum Foundation; Social Investment Organization