UniCredit communicate that, following increase of capital of Euro 17,587,596.70 corresponding to nr. 1,034,172 ordinary shares issued pursuant resolution passed by the Board of Directors on March, 13rd 2017 pursuant to the authorities given by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 11th 2012, the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 11th 2013, the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 13rd 2014 and by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 13rd 2015, the fully subscribed and paid-up share capital of UniCredit S.p.A. currently amounts to Euro 20,880,549,801.81 and is divided into 2,225,945,295 shares with no nominal value, in turn made up of 2,225,692,806 ordinary shares and 252,489 savings shares.
The resolution to increase the capital has been registered with the Company Register on April 6th 2017.