UniCredit S.p.A. informs that in its today meeting the Board of Directors, further to the opinion of the Corporate Governance, HR and Nomination Committee, assessed the existence of the integrity and experience requirements for the Director Dr. Martha Dagmar Böckenfeld, appointed on last September, 22, as laid down by current legal and regulatory provisions.
The Board of Directors also checked the independence requirements as laid down by sec. 20 of the Articles of Association, sec. 3 of the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies and sec. 148 of the Consolidated Law on Finance, based on the declarations made by the Director concerned and on the information available to the Company. To that regard, the Board took into consideration the professional, business and credit relationships held (either directly or indirectly) that might affect her independence, taking into account significance criteria (amount of the consideration and characteristics of the relationship; credit amount granted and its weight vis-à-vis the system, counterparty's characteristics, Director's position).
Furthermore, the Board of Directors verified the Director is meeting the qualitative and quantitative Profile of the Board, also with regard to the maximum number of offices to be held; finally, it also checked the inexistence of any situations falling within the scope of Sec. 36 of the L.D. no. 201/2011 ("no-interlocking").
Milan, October 13, 2016
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