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Merger of UniCredit Audit, UniCredit Logistics, UniCredit Merchant and UniManagement into UniCredit.

Press release pursuant to Article 70, paragraph 7, lett. a) of Consob Regulation 11971/99


As a result of the reorganization of the Italian structure of the Group, approved by the Board of Directors on last July 10,  UniCredit Audit S.C.p.A., UniCredit Logistics S.r.l., UniCredit Merchant S.p.A. and UniManagement S.C.r.l. will be merged into UniCredit S.p.A.

The centralization within the Parent Company of certain activities currently carried out by subsidiaries, such as internal auditservices managerial training and management of the principal investments in the Italian market, will enable to rationalize such activities, also resulting in a reduction in costs through the elimination of overlaps and duplication of functions, in addition to overall efficiency improvements.


In relation to the merger  into UniCredit S.p.A. of UniCredit Audit S.C.p.A., UniCredit Logistics S.r.l., UniCredit Merchant S.p.A. and UniManagement S.C.r.l., and following the issue of the Bank of Italy authorization pursuant to Article 57 of the Italian Banking Act, the documentation listed below has been made available to the public today in accordance with Article 70, paragraph 7, lett. a) of Consob regulation 11971/99:

1. Merger Plan;

2. Individual First Half Financial reports as at 30 June 2012, taken as the financial statements of the companies involved in the merger.


The same documentation has also been published on the website of UniCredit S.p.A. in the section Governance, Corporate transactions, at the following address:



Milan, October 24, 2012