UniCredit informs on the new composition of share capital (fully subscribed and paid-up) as result of increase in capital of Euro 454,385.00 issued pursuant resolution passed by the Board of Directors on March 22th 2011 pursuant to powers conferred by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on May 10 2007 corresponding to n. 908.770 shares to be allotted to Management of the Holding Company and of Group banks and companies who hold positions of particular importance for the purposes of achieving the Group's overall objectives.
The resolution passed by the Extraordinary Shareholders meeting has been filed with the Company Register on March 24 2011.
Current share capital previous share capital
Par value: € 0.50
Euro n° shares Euro n° shares
dont: 9,649,245,346.50 19,298,490,693 9,648,790,961.50 19,297,581,923
* ordinary shares
(regular jouissance
1/1/2011), 9.637.125.855,00 19,274,251,710 9,636,671,470.00 19,273.342.940
share coupon:
* saving shares n.c.
(regular jouissance 1/1/2011),
share coupon: 12,119,491.50 24,238,983 12,119,491.50 24,238,983
UniCredit S.p.A
Milan, March 25, 2011
Media Relations:
Tel. +39 02 88628236 ;
e-mail: MediaRelations@unicredit.eu
Investor Relations:
Tel. + 39 02 88628715;
e-mail: InvestorRelations@unicredit.eu