cod. ISIN IT0004416886
UniCredit informs that the gross quarterly interest rate of coupon n. 7, "UNICREDIT S.p.A. 2008/2013 OBBLIGAZIONE A CINQUE ANNI CON CEDOLE TRIMESTRALI, CON LA PRIMA CEDOLA FISSA PARI AL TASSO ANNUO DEL 5,15% E LE SUCCESSIVE CEDOLE VARIABILI LEGATE AL TASSO EURIBOR A 3 MESI" - SERIE 56/08, regarding period 30th April 2010 - 31st July 2010 , has been fixed on 0,16350%.
We inform that the Centralized Administration Services, pursuant to article 29 of DL 24th
June 1998, 213, is Monte Titoli SpA - Milano.
UniCredit S.p.A
Milan, December 29, 2009
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