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Ad-hoc-Meldung / Ad hoc Release nach § 15 WpHG / pursuant to § 15 of the German Securities Trading Act - UniCredit: Appointment of the Deputy Chairmen and of the members of the Executive, Nomination, Remuneration and Audit Committees

The Board of Directors of UniCredit, appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting held on 16th December 2005 has met today for the first time and designated as Chairman Mr Dieter Rampl, former CEO of HVB, and as Vice Chairmen Mr Gianfranco Gutty (with deputizing functions), Mr Franco Bellei, Fabrizio Palenzona e Carlo Salvatori. The Board has also confirmed Mr Alessandro Profumo as the company's Chief Executive Officer.
Based on his expertise developed as Chairman of UniCredit, in his previous important assignments within the banking system and on his position in HVB and Bank Austria, Mr Salvatori has been asked to support the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman with deputizing functions in dealing with the Regulatory Authorities and the foreign Shareholders of the Group.
The Board of UniCredit has reviewed the independence of the directors, confirming that 21 out of them are independent while Mr Alessandro Profumo, Mr. Paolo Vagnone and Mr. Nikolaus von Bomhard did not qualify as such.
In the same meeting the Board of Directors appointed the Executive Committee, comprising Mr. Dieter Rampl, Mr. Gianfranco Gutty, Mr. Franco Bellei, Mr. Fabrizio Palenzona, Mr. Carlo Salvatori, Mr. Alessandro Profumo, Mr. Roberto Bertazzoni, Mr. Francesco Giacomin, Mr. Friedrich Kadrnoska, Mr. Diether Muenich, Mr. Paolo Vagnone and Mr. Nikolaus von Bomhard.
The Board has also appointed the members of the Nominations Committee and the Remuneration Committee (established as separate committees in place of the former Remuneration and Nominations Committee): the new members of the former are Mr Dieter Rampl (as Chairman), Mr Gianfranco Gutty, Mr. Franco Bellei, Mr. Fabrizio Palenzona, Mr. Carlo Salvatori, Mr. Alessandro Profumo e Mr. Max Dietrich Kley; the Remuneration Committee consists of Mr Dieter Rampl (as Chairman), Mr Gianfranco Gutty, Mr. Franco Bellei, Mr. Fabrizio Palenzona, Mr. Carlo Salvatori, Mr. Max Dietrich Kley and Mr. Carlo Pesenti.
Lastly, the Board has appointed as members of the Audit Committee Mr. Anthony Wyand (as Chairman), Mr. Dieter Rampl, Mr. Gianfranco Gutty, Mr. Franco Bellei and Mr. Paolo Vagnone, and also confirmed Mr. Giovanni Vaccarino as Chairman of the Supervisory Committee set up under Legislative Decree 231/01.


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UniCredito Italiano S.p.A.
Via San Protaso 1/3
20121 Milano

Securities listed on German regulated markets:
ISIN IT0000064854
WKN: 850832
Listed: Official Market (Amtlicher Markt), Frankfurt Stock Exchange (General Standard)