Towards MONET: The history of landscape from the 17th to the 20th Century

UniCredit is the main sponsor of the second exhibition of Towards MONET: The history of landscape from the 17th to the 20th Century, which will be at the Palladian Basilica in Vicenza from February 22 to May 4, 2014.
The exhibition, curated by Linea d'ombra, will follow shows at the Palladian Basilica dedicated to the history of portraiture and the human figure.
Towards MONET was previously staged in Verona, where it attracted more than 367,000 visitors. During its stay in Vicenza, the 100 plus works on exhibition will explore the history of landscape painting from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century. The show is divided into five sections: the 18th century works of Lorrain and Poussin, who belonged to the Venetian School; 19th century landscapes; European and American realism; impressionism, including works by Renoir, Pissarro and Degas; and a section devoted entirely to 23 of Monet's paintings.
UniCredit's cooperation with Linea d'ombra began in Genoa in 2011 with the exhibition Van Gogh e il viaggio di Gauguin. It continued in 2012 with Raffaello Verso Picasso. Storie di sguardi, volti e figure in Vicenza and Da Botticelli a Matisse. Volti e figure in Verona in 2013.
At UniCredit, we believe that our support for such projects brings us closer to the communities and people we serve, because masterpieces and the emotions they inspire are of incalculable value to all of us.
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