Multimedia Exhibition Dedicated to Verdi and Wagner

This is an important year of celebration for lovers of classical music and opera, as 2013 marks the centennial of the Arena di Verona Festival and also the bicentennial of the births of both Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner.
UniCredit is proud to play a part in the related festivities. We have been a major partner of the opera festival and of the Fondazione Arena di Verona for the past 20 years.
Our longstanding support has always involved the innovative use of technology, and this year, it has resulted in a playfully titled multimedia exhibition, "Werdi Vagner", which opened on July 3 at the Arena Festival Hall in Verona's Palazzo della Gran Guardia.
This interactive exhibit, presented in collaboration with Classica Italia, Skira-Classica and Studio Scandurra, will remain open until September 8.
It would be simple enough to describe the show as an opportunity to compare two personalities who have both contributed greatly to musical history. But this exhibit is something more. It is a journey through the senses that employs multiple methods of communication to achieve different effects.
The exhibit, which features several zones for listening to musical passages via videotaped performances and animation, enraptures visitors with the voices of the greatest opera singers, directed by famous maestros in performances of well-known arias by both composers.
Our customers may purchase discounted tickets for €5 by presenting their credit cards or ATM cards at the exhibition ticket office.
For more information about the exhibition, please visit