Carte Blanche #6, at the UniCredit STUDIO Milano, is extended
Due to the wide success, the sixth installment of the Carte Blanche exhibition series, Il Pittore che fuggiva il vento. Cinque artisti alla ricerca di Antonio Donghi, opened on January 31 in the UniCredit STUDIO Milano exhibition space of the UniCredit Piazza Cordusio branch, it is extended till June 18, 2012.
The unpublished works by five young artists, Alessandro Agudio, Helena Hladilova, Alice Mandelli, Valerio Nicolai and Namsal Siedlecki, are on display to reflect the ideas presented in Antonio Donghi's art work. After a century, the core of Donghi's art, research and interests - seen in the UniCredit Art Collection - comes alive in the paintings, drawings, installations, sculptures and photographs of these featured young talents.
Art is a universal language that allows us to share our different experiences. For a leading European bank like ours, art also provides an opportunity to interact with the many communities in which we live and work. UniCredit is proud of its long-standing commitment to culture, which we believe generates the vitality and creativity essential to sustainable development.
(Image: Helena Hladilovà, The Works by Antonio Donghi from the UniCredit Art Collection, 2012, handmade carpet, detail. Photo by Mila Requeijo)
UniCredit STUDIO Milano
Carte Blanche #6:
Il Pittore che fuggiva il vento. Cinque artisti alla ricerca di Antonio Donghi
UniCredit Piazza Cordusio branch, Milan
January 31 - June 18, 2012
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 4:15 pm
Free admission