Poland: success for People and the City and new loan from the Group collection

UniCredit, after the first international exhibition PastPresentFuture and the German exhibition Things are Queer, unveiled once again its important corporate art collection with People and the City, on show from March 2 until April 29, 2012 in Poland at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Torun.
This exhibition has been a great success counting around 10.500 visitors.
The exhibition featured more than 70 artworks from UniCredit's noteworthy art collection and it has been a journey through the works of many important artists since the start of the 20th century.
The Centre of Contemporary Art in Torun is opening today, Friday 18 of May, a news exhibition titled Theatre of Life: One and many Actions curated by Dobrila Denegri, Artistic Director of the Centre of Contemporary Art in Torun. This new exhibitive project is dedicated to the artistic practices that looked for confluence between art, experimental music, new dance and theatre. It aim to highlight these practices that challenges social conventions and that searches for alternative models of art and life.
The exhibition is enriched by the loan, from the UniCredit Art Collection, of the Patrick Tuttofuoco's work Chinese Theatre, an auditorium, placed in the main room, in which will been screened a selection of interconnected works by other artists, in a game "the Theatre in the theatre". On Saturday 19th , the European Night of the Museums, a lecture by Achille Bonito Oliva.
The UniCredit Art Collection is one of main corporate collections in Europe and includes paintings, sculptures, installations, videos and photographs which reflect the Group's identity, as well as symbolising the Bank's international commitment to art.
Image: Patrick Tuttofuoco - Chinese Theatre - 2008 - installation, wood, neon and chairs, UniCredit Art Collection, © Patrick Tuttofuoco