2012 EBRD Annual Meeting
About EBRD

The 2012 EBRD Annual Meeting - which will bring together investors, policy-makers, government officials and bankers of CEE- will be held in London on May 17th through 19th, 2012.
This year the event will be focused on economic outlook and investment potential with a great number of networking opportunities and social events built into the schedule that will involve and create a chance to meet the policy-makers and officials who are shaping and guiding the global conversation.
The agenda will feature investment outlook sessions, discussion panels and workshops. The key topics to be raised during the panel discussions will concentrate on: "Transition under pressure: change in the face of economic turbulence"; "The knowledge economy"; "Towards a secure and sustainable energy future"; and "Local currency capital markets in transition economies - yesterday, today and tomorrow".
As in the past few years, UniCredit is the Major Forum Partner of the EBRD Annual Meeting, hosting some main events. The session titled "The end of cross-border banking in emerging markets?", on May 17th, will be chaired - among other panelists - by Gianni Franco Papa, Head of CEE Division.
Besides, on May 18th, UniCredit will host a press conference featuring Gianni Franco Papa and Fabio Mucci, Head of CEE & Poland Strategic Planning, who will introduce the item "CEE Corporate leading: role and perspectives".
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was established in the period following the Cold War.
The changes and challenges in Central and Eastern Europe after the Berlin Wall's Fall and the transition of this region from systems based on centrally-planned command economies to free democratic institutions and market economies led to its establishment.