Tuesday 26 January 2021
26 January 2021
You don’t need to be an expert to browse safely: here few simple habits to adopt.
2:00 Min

Always be careful when using passwords.
- Never give your passwords to third parties, especially those generated from Mobile Token and UniCredit Pass, for example to authorize banking operation.
- Do not use the same password on different websites.
- When information and passwords are required evaluate that they are consistent with the service/good you are using/purchasing (for example if you are downloading a video game it is not appropriate that you are asked to give access to: your contact list, microphone and/or photos).
- Keep smartphones, tablets and PCs updated: protect them with an antivirus and secure the access with a password, fingerprint, digital or facial recognition.

Access codes, passwords generated by safety devices, credit card details: find a way to remember them all!
- If you write them down, pay attention to where you do it.
- If you decide to write them on a piece of paper, never keep it in your wallet or near smartphones, tablets and PCs. For example never leave them on post-it notes attached to your computer!
- Do not save them on your smartphone (neither in a text nor image file).
- Avoid the automatic saving function of user ID and password on the browser.

Use the different services that the Bank offers you to easily check your current account or cards movements/transactions: ATMs and Kiosks, Internet and Mobile Banking or directly at the branch.

Pay attention to the communications you receive and learn to recognise frauds.
- UniCredit e-mails always show your name, your surname and your Branch details and you will never be asked to enter: enacting passwords, credit/ debit card numbers or PIN.
- Do not open unexpected e-mails, sms or chats and above all do not click on any link and do not download or open attachments.
- Do not reply by entering your credentials in an e-mail, sms, chat or any link.
- Never give your credentials to anyone over the phone.

Online shopping is convenient but always pay attention to where and how you buy.
- Check the website reliability and use only official apps.
- Use only secure connection protected by a password.
- Avoid as far as possible to use public and free Wi-Fi. Especially never use it for: shopping online; accessing your reserved area on the bank’s website; accessing cloud storage services (eg. iCloud and Google Drive).