18 June 2020

As well as being a great way to breathe life into your home, or design and colour your spaces, plants also act as natural air purifiers and filter indoor pollution. Follow these simple tips for fresher, more breathable air!

2:00 min

As well as being a great way to breathe life into your home, or design and colour your spaces, plants also act as natural air purifiers and filter indoor pollution. Follow these simple tips for fresher, more breathable air!

1. Food for thought

In the 1980s, the NASA Clean Air Study carried out research which suggested that in an airtight environment, certain organic pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene can be removed by common indoor plants. As plants emit water vapour into the air, they create a “pumping action” to extract pollutants from the air into their roots, where it is converted into nutrition for the plant. Curious about the study? Find out here if your indoor plants are NASA approved.

 2. Choosing the right plants for you

If you’re a beginner plant grower, the snake plant is an easy-to-grow option packed with air purifying properties. It does not require much watering and can thrive in dark or dimly lit spaces. For moderately lit areas, choose a perennial vine like an English ivy or Heartleaf philodendron. Fast-growing and easily adaptable, both plants are effective in extracting airborne contaminants. For your sunny corners, opt for a Chrysanthemum or Barberton daisy to brighten up rooms with splashes of colour and fresh scents.

3. Best for cooking

Potted herbs are a great and inexpensive way to spruce up your kitchens and cooking. Rosemary is an easy-to-grow herb that acts as an air purifier, especially during autumn and winter seasons. Rosemary thrives in sunlit areas, such as on your kitchen counter and requires the soil to dry out in between watering sessions.

4. Pet-friendly

If you have pets, be aware that if ingested, many indoor plants are harmful to domestic animals. Take care when choosing plants, and check here if you’re unsure. The spider plant is a non-toxic perennial that is safe for both cats and dogs. The plant also acts as an indoor purifier by removing carbon monoxide and xylene particles from the air.

5. Allergy-free

Indoor plants, such as Pothos and Philodendron varieties, play the role of air humidifiers and do not release pollen into the air, making it safe for allergy sufferers. An additional tip: try introducing one plant at a time into your space. Give it a few days to test out whether you have an allergic reaction. If not, feel free to add another – you’ll have your very own forest in no time!