Wednesday 01 April 2020
As thousands of UniCredit employees are working from home, the number of people connecting remotely to our VPN has skyrocketed. Group Chief Information Officer Daniele Tonella sets out some simple rules to help us all get the most from our network.
Our VPN (or Virtual Private Network) is a shared resource that allows employees across our Group to access protected information that is unavailable through a public connection.
Because it’s a shared resource, the number of people who are connected to and what they do on it while connected can affect the experience for all the other users.
1) Connect with network cable – not WIFI
If possible, connect with a LAN cable rather than your WIFI. Alternatively, use a 4G ‘hotspot’ connection from your mobile phone.
2) Limit your connection time
Not everything will require a connection to the VPN. Where possible, work in “offline mode” – unless working on something that requires a constant connection to company apps. Similarly, only synchronise your email periodically – and then disconnect.
3) Be smart when connected to the VPN
When connected, avoid transferring large files or watching videos online. While using Outlook, try to work with files that have been saved onto your computer, not a network drive.
4) Use Skype and Webex appropriately
Skype is still our recommended tool when connected to a company laptop. When on a call, avoid switching on your video and limit the use of the screen sharing option.
Webex can be used from any device when disconnected from the VPN; simply, download the ‘Webex Meetings’ and enter the meeting number and password.
5) Don’t forget about security!
Each and every one of us is the first line of defence! Be aware of potential cyber-threats and follow our security rules.
6) Follow HR processes and continue to undertake mandatory training
We must fulfil our commitments to Public Administration and Regulators. This means completing mandatory online courses and professional development. Any other online courses can – and should – be postponed.