Winning Austrian charity projects
Thursday 16 September 2021
Bank Austria recently organised the 12th edition of its Social Awards which support Austrian charitable initiatives with a total of EUR 90,000 every year. The top prize was assigned in Vienna to the project "Mädchenzentrum *peppa", which offers girls and young women a protected space and support services.
Last June regional juries shortlisted three projects in all nine Austrian states for a public online voting competition on the Social Award platform in order to choose the best social initiatives in Austria for the twelfth time in a row.
The winning project was announced in Vienna last week during a dedicated Awards ceremony presented by Andrea Orcel, CEO of UniCredit, and Robert Zadrazil, CEO of UniCredit Bank Austria, who attended a reception at our Austria Campus on 9 September.
The first prize of 6,000 euro was assigned to “Mädchenzentrum *peppa“ (Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien), the second prize of 3,000 euro went to “SOS-Ballon Sozialmarkt für Spiel- und Kinderwaren“ (SOS-Kinderdorf Wien) and “INA - Interkulturelle Assistenz an Wiener Pflichtschulen“ ( - Verein für Informationsvermittlung, Bildung und Beratung) placed third with a 1,000 euro prize.

Robert Zadrazil, CEO of UniCredit Bank Austria, commented that: "In Austria there are many non-profit projects, associations and initiatives which make an important contribution to a positive social climate. With the Bank Austria Social Award, we are again providing substantial support to these projects throughout Austria this year.
Especially in difficult times, it is particularly important for us to promote and reward local charitable efforts. The number and quality of submissions this year was repeatedly very convincing and again clearly showed the value of this award."