Tech Women for Sustainable Business #5
Tuesday 06 July 2021
This is the fifth and final appointment with the column dedicated to the growth path of female-led start-ups made in Italy, created by UniCredit Start Lab and Nativa.
We are ready for the last episode of our journey through the experiences and motivations of the founders taking part in our six-month programme "Tech Women for Sustainable Business", developed in partnership with NATIVA dedicated to 20 innovative Italian start-ups - with different sectors and geographical origins - but united by a common denominator, female leadership.
These are the answers of the women entrepreneurs interviewed in this episode, who – also for this last episode - we asked what made them decide to join the programme and why they believe in ESG issues.
Valentina Bacchettini
CEO Wisepower

Wisepower is an SME focus on designing, production and commercing autonomous sensors for Structural Health Monitoring. The sensors are wireless and powered exploiting vibrational and solar harvesters. These devices are used on bridges, pipelines, TLC towers, monuments and buildings, to know the behaviour of the structures, prevent damages and for predictive maintenance.
"The growth path traced by the EU is the green agenda. Therefore the environmental friendly investments are considered the main targets due to do not have negative impacts on the climate and the environment. Hence, the will and the need to make sustainability a factor of competitiveness for public economies but also for companies, even the smallest ones or start-ups."
Jana Nurmukhanova
COO & Co-Founder Witailer

Witailer is one of the largest innovative startups in Italy. Born from the experience of former Amazon Senior Managers, Witailer helps companies to increase their online sales on Amazon and other marketplaces, through advanced software and dedicated services. Through Analytics and Business Intelligence software, Witailer helps brands to understand their competitive landscape on Amazon.
"I believe in ESG themes because as Jeff Bezos says "If you want to be successful in business (in life, actually), you have to create more than you consume." I really believe in this way of thinking and I want Witailer to be a company that creates value for not only shareholders and clients, but also employees and the community. If we build Witailer upon this solid foundation, we know we have built something lasting and important. Today the way we live up to the ESG values by promoting diversity within our team both in terms of gender (55% women, 40% women at team manager level) and background. We want to be a great place to work for working parents by promoting work/life balance and flexibility of working hours and place. We also want to contribute to initiatives that have a healthy impact on the environment (to counterbalance the effect of boost in eCommerce that we are supporting) and we are still thinking of ways to do it in a smart way."
Susanna Todeschini
COO & Founder

WOOD-SKIN offers avant-garde design solutions to elevate environments. Founded in Milan in 2013, it combines digital manufacturing technologies with traditional components through patented practices. Its applications allow rigid surfaces to become more flexible, and flat ones to acquire three-dimensionality, widening the horizon for architectural projects and surfaces. WOOD-SKIN gives dynamic volume and character to a multitude of materials, helping architects and designers bridge the gap between digital representation and architectural feasibility.
"ESG criteria are the reason why for Wood-Skin foundation and for me to become an entrepreneur: putting human relationship at the center and focus on the direct knowledge of suppliers and service providers, with a clear business strategy of choice for affinity of values: quality of product, process and company sustainability, the importance of reducing environmental impact. Furthermore, as founder and as the only woman on the Board of Directors, my primary goal has been to develop the business in an integrated way, to reconcile company growth with the development of human resources, to increasingly implement innovative policies of reconciliation between life and work."
Brandon Group

BrandOn Group is the reference online sales enabler at European level for companies, in particular SMEs, that want to strengthen and accelerate their growth by making use of professional services able to optimize all phases related to the online sale of products on the main international marketplaces.
"BrandOn Group is a bright example of female leadership with meritocracy at the heart of its corporate culture. The team managerialization has been pursued by maximizing and valorizing the diversity - in terms of culture, gender and background - that is the key competitive factor to effectively face the market challenges."