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The UniCredit Foundation is delighted to present its 2023 Annual Report, narrating an incredible year of transformation and exciting achievements. The report underscores our enduring commitment to young people through a representation of the countless initiatives introduced by the Foundation over the past year.

2:00 min

The UniCredit Foundation is glad to present its 2023 Annual Report, describing all the achievements collectively accomplished – as a Foundation and as a Group – in our journey to become the Bank for Europe’s future.


In line with our Purpose of empowering communities to progress, the document underscores our enduring commitment to young people through a narration of the countless initiatives introduced by the Foundation over the past year. These revolve around three core intervention priorities – School, Job and University – aimed at unlocking the potential of emerging talents by ensuring equal access to quality education.

With such a goal in mind, the UniCredit Foundation has chosen to go beyond simply being a funding organisation and has become an active member within communities where the Group operates, striving to provide concrete tools for sustainable growth and broader social development.

This hands-on approach has been powered by partnerships with the international educational institutions Teach For All and Junior Achievement Europe, aimed at leveraging and scaling synergies, delivering synchronised actions across markets, and expediting systemic change.

With them, we have launched three-year partnerships to enhance the quality of instruction in underserved schools across Europe and advocate for educational equality throughout the continent. If you are curious to discover more about our relationship with them and many other institutions, delve into our Report and take a moment to go through our programmes and initiatives.





“At UniCredit, we believe in the incredible potential of young people. We work hard to equip them with the right tools to write a better story: one that allows them to unleash their potential and build the future they aim to shape for themselves.”


Andrea Orcel, Chairman of UniCredit Foundation

Younger generations are crucial to our future. Our Bank is truly committed to supporting them in building a better world for themselves and society, while also offering the knowledge, skills and resources they need to thrive.