We strive to support the best talents in the fields of economics and finance by launching scholarships, research grants and research awards in the countries in which the Group operates.

Scholarships, Fellowships and Workshops
With the scholarships, we finance the specialisation abroad of talented students, funding PhD programmes, masters, short study stays in foreign countries and summer schools, also for UniCredit employees, at the top 3 European Schools of Economics. On the other hand, the research grants serve the purpose of the returning of brains and retaining young talents in Europe and supporting research in the field of economics and finance.
We love to keep learning. That's why we fund conferences and workshops to strengthen the cooperation and the development of initiatives with universities, research centres and economic associations, while consolidating the Alumni network.
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Educational Research Lab
The synergy between rigorous research and an esteemed academic community enhances our ability to design effective educational programs, scholarships, and research initiatives. This has led to the ambitious project of creating an educational research laboratory, an innovative space for experimental research on educational poverty, where support for economic research converges with the expertise of prestigious research centers. The ultimate goal is to generate insights and solutions addressing challenges in education, focusing particularly on providing evidence, tools, and publications that can benefit non-profit organizations and policymakers. The educational research laboratory exemplifies our commitment to proactive and research-oriented approaches in supporting and improving education for the youth, in line with our broader mission.
In 2023, the Education Research Lab leveraged:
Cooperation with The Center for International Development at Harvard University with a three-year partnership to support two post-doc researchers and five PhD visiting students at CID in Boston.
- International Research Grant on Education with the launch of the second-year contest aimed at selecting the best research projects on educational issues. The two winning projects will be funded with €200,000 each.
- Data analysis and publications with experimental research on educational poverty to push the frontiers of economics through tools and publications. In 2023, a cooperation agreement with Professor Daniele Checchi (University of Milan) and Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano was signed to develop and publish the first annual report on education: "Beyond Compulsory Education in Europe", due to be launched in spring 2024.

Associazione Borsisti Marco Fanno
We also ensure continuity in the agreement defined in 2012 with the prestigious Associazione Borsisti Marco Fanno , according to which the Foundation sustains and promotes the activities of the Association by supporting academic excellence in the economic and finance sector and supporting Alumni initiatives. The Association includes all the winners of the scholarships and fellowships launched over the years by the Associazione and the Foundation, among the other illustrious representatives of the academic and financial world, such as: Mario Draghi (Honorary Chairman), Michele Salvati, Tito Boeri, Ignazio Visco, Alessandro Penati, Gabriele Galateri, Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Marco Pagano, Lucrezia Reichlin, Pietro Modiano and many others!
Click here to discover all the open Calls!