UniCredit Foundation has closed the first Call for Education - Italy Regions, continuing its commitment to unleash the potential of young people by supporting them in their academic and professional growth.
The call was won by four non-profit organisations who will receive a total amount of 500,000 euros. The awarded projects are:
- "Maker Lab"ofi AGS per il Territorio, Region NORD OVEST
- "Cloto" of CEDEL - Cooperativa Sociale Educativa ELIS, Region NORD EST
- "Skill@ti" of Consorzio Meridia, Region SUD
- "Salvaborgo" of Junior Achievement Italia, Region SICILIA.
Thanks to these projects, 960 middle and high school students will be followed and supported in their schooling and entry into the world of work.
During the "School is the future" awards event, which was attended by Remo Taricani, Deputy Head of Italy and Silvia Cappellini, General Manager of UniCredit Foundation, we had the privilege of hearing not only the winning organisations, but also the voice of school, with the intervention of Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Headmasters Association, and that of young people, brought by a school representative.
Passion and commitment for education were the common thread throughout the event, demonstrating that we want to build our future with young people.
The Call was carried out with the support of "Carta E", an ethical project which aims to feed a fund destined for social initiatives and solidarity projects.
An important contribution was also made by our seven commercial Regions both in the management of relations with the territories and in the identification of educational projects.
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Streaming: https://multimedia.unicredit.eu/view/23032023-Scuola-è-futuro