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  5. 9 April 2020 Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting
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9 April 2020 Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

  • 09

April 2020

COVID-19 emergency - Shareholders' Meeting without physical attendance

In order to minimize the risks associated with the ongoing health emergency, the Company has decided- to make use of the right - established by the Decree - to provide that the shareholders' attendance at the Shareholders' Meeting shall be made exclusively through the Company-Designated Proxy Holder provided for by article 135-undecies of the Consolidated Finance Act ("TUF"), without physical participation by the shareholders.

The information to participate by proxy is available on this web page, in the below section "Voting Proxies"


The UniCredit Shareholders' Meeting was held in Milan in both Ordinary and Extraordinary session on April 9th, 2020 (in a single call).

The Shareholders' Meeting documentation is available on this section; moreover, general information on the Shareholders' Meeting process is available on the "Shareholders' Meeting" section.



Shareholders' Meeting Documentation


1. Approval of the 2019 financial statements

2. Allocation of the result of the year 2019

3. Distribution of a dividend from profit reserves

On 29 March 2020 the Board of Directors of UniCredit, following the ECB's recommendation on 27 March 2020, resolved to withdraw the  proposed resolution regarding this item of the Agenda of the Shareholders Meeting convened on 9 April 2020

4. Elimination of so-called "negative reserves" for components not subject to change by means of their definitive coverage

5. Integration of the Board of Directors, once the number of Board members has been set

6. Appointment of the external auditor for the years 2022-2030 and determination of fees

7. 2020 Group Incentive System

8. 2020 Group Remuneration Policy

9. Remuneration Report

10. 2020-2023 Long-Term Incentive Plan (2020-2023 LTI Plan)

11. Authorisation to purchase treasury shares. Consequent and inherent resolutions

On 29 March 2020 the Board of Directors of UniCredit, following the ECB's recommendation on 27 March 2020, resolved to withdraw the  proposed resolution regarding this item of the Agenda of the Shareholders Meeting convened on 9 April 2020


1. Delegation to the Board of Directors to carry out a free capital increase  for a maximum amount of EUR 18,779,138 in order to complete the execution of the 2019 Group Incentive System and consequent amendments to the Articles of Association

2. Delegation to the Board of Directors to carry out a free capital increase for a maximum amount of EUR 123,146,209 in order to execute the 2020 Group Incentive System and consequent amendments to the Articles of Association

3. Amendments to clause 6 of the Articles of Association

4. Cancellation of treasury shares with no reduction of share capital; consequent amendment to clause 5 of the Article of Association. Consequent and inherent resolutions

On 29 March 2020 the Board of Directors of UniCredit, following the ECB's recommendation on 27 March 2020, resolved to withdraw the  proposed resolution regarding this item of the Agenda of the Shareholders Meeting convened on 9 April 2020

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