![Claudio Cacciamani Claudio Cacciamani](/content/dam/unicreditgroup-eu/images/governance/board-of-statutory-auditors/Cacciamani_320x222.jpg)
Born in Ancona on 12 January 1967
Nationality: Italian
Economics and Law degrees
Other information
Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti) since April 1995. Certified Public Auditor (Revisore Contabile) - Italian Ministerial Decree dated 12.04.1995 published on Italian Official Gazette no. 31-bis dated 21.04.1995 Listed in the Register of Technical Consultants at the Court of Milan; Member of RICS: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Cavaliere Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio.
Claudio Cacciamani
Statutory Auditor
Other posts currently held
- Consultant to leading Italian and foreign insurance companies in the field of non-life branch.
- Technical Consultant at different Courts.
- Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Confidi Parma S.C.p.A.
- Non executive Director of: Carlyle Real Estate Società di Gestione del Risparmio S.p.A.; CBRE Investment Management SGR S.p.A.; Consultinvest S.p.A.
- Member of the Supervisory Committee of Banca Popolare di Garanzia in compulsory liquidation.
- Member of different Scientific Committees (among with the Italy Foundation EFPA) and Referee of national and international Magazines.
- Associate of AIAF (Italian Association of Financial Analysts), ANRA (National Association of Risk Manager), Italian Academy of Economy, ADEIMF (Association of Professors of Economics of Financial Intermediaries), International Association of Insurance Law - Emilia Romagna and Honorary Member of AICI (Italian Association of Real Estates Consultants).
- Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee of Borsa Immobiliare Parma.
- Member of COMI (Committee of Market Operators and Investors).
Professional profile
- Full Professor of Economics and business sciences at Parma University: "Corporate banking and investment finance"; "Investment banking and real estate finance"; "Economics and management of insurance companies" and "Risk management and Insurance".
Posts previously held
- Chairman of the Executive Committee of Real Estate Observatory of the Chamber of Commerce of the province of Brescia.
- Member of the Technical Commission ANIA in the field of indirect damage.
- Coordinator of the Observatory on finance of small and micro enterprises of Regione Lombardia.
- Scientific Coordinator of the project "Rating of small and micro enterprises", Unioncamere - Italian union of chambers of commerce Lombardia and Regione Lombardia.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of ERES (European Real Estate Society) 2004 and 2010.
- Member of ABI Commission on economic and finance of districts and territorial pacts.